Puppy Start Guide



Congratulations on your new puppy! We are so excited to help you embark on this exciting journey with your newest family member. We want to make sure you are completely prepared to be the best dog owner you can be. 

Below you will find several resources that I hope you will find very helpful. I would strongly recommend that you read through all of it within a week of your pick-up—especially if you're a new dog owner. If you establish some ground rules in the very beginning, it will greatly increase your chances of a well-behaved dog. 

To access the PDF version of our pickup brochure guide, click here

A blue bowl filled with dog food with a paw print on it.


At Bliss Kennels , we strongly believe in proper nutrition for your puppy. We feed our pups TLC three times a day. For the most part the breeds we produce will always be sensible eaters, stopping when they’ve had the right amount. Simply follow the guidelines on the bag which are weight and age related regarding the amount of food. When your puppy is taken home we will instruct you how much they are accustom to at that point.

A blue paw print with a heart in the middle.


By 8 weeks your puppy can “hold it” 4 hours during the day and about 6 at night. Pups and adult dogs love their “den” and like to keep it clean, so a crate can be a helpful tool for potty training. We recommend using a divider to adjust the crate size as your pup grows, and many pups like a blanket draped over their crate. However, many families elect to not use a crate, and we also believe this is an acceptable practice. Basically, our view on crate training is neutrality. It works for some and not for others. Some families like the idea while others do not. There are pros and cons either way and it ultimately boils down to what each family feels comfortable with.

Take your pup out frequently during the day and reward with praise and sometimes a treat---positive praise goes the furthest . Having all food and most water up 3-4 hours before bedtime helps to eliminate the need to go “out” during the night. Adjusting to life without siblings might take a couple of nights.

A blue gear with a white plus sign inside of it.


We recommend a well-visit within a week of receiving your new puppy. At 8 weeks flea and tick preventative should be started as well as a monthly wormer with a heartworm medicine in it. Right around the 9th week of the pups life it will need its second vaccine and 3 weeks from that one, it will receive its 3rd and final vaccine. We strongly encourage you to avoid strangers dogs, potty areas at rest stops, and other public areas until your puppy is fully vaccinated.

Doodles should not shed. Since they will have hair and not fur, hair breakage will occur so you will find tumbleweeds in the house here and there. This should not be confused with shedding . F1 tend to have more hair breakage because they have a wavy coat which is more susceptible due to being more free-flowing . F1b that heave a genetic composition with a preponderance of poodle genes will have more of a curl which will make the hair less susceptible to breaking since its wound closer to the body. However, not all F1b will have the same genetic composition in terms of poodle to retriever genes. Most Doodles visit the groomer about once every 2-4 months. Rely on your groomer for basic maintenance tips (brushing, trimming nails, cleaning ears etc.). Take a picture of the look you have in mind.

All our puppies are 100% guaranteed under the NJ Pet Lemon Law Act for the first 6 months of life.

This is a topic with much controversy and conflicting reports. There is a plethora of information out there for each family to make there own conscientious decision as to spaying or neutering their dog. With that said, most families due elect to do it. We highly recommend you do not have this performed at 6 months. 9 months is the earliest we would have you concede to it, but would prefer 12 months or more. Again, do your own due diligence on this hotbed topic.

A blue bone icon on a white background.


Pups love and need to chew. Our best and simplest recommendation is having a lot of chew toys available that your pup is allowed to chew on. Divert them from shoes, children’s toys, and furniture by substituting an acceptable replacement. Do not buy chew toys made in China due to the fact that many are made from materials that can be harmful to your pup.

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